FAQ-United Tae Kwon Do

United Tae Kwon Do

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What are your ages for Taekwondo?
A: Ages 5 years old and up. 

Q: What is the class schedule?
A: Please see Class Schedule for all the details.

Q: Is Taekwondo only for children, or can adults train too?
A: Taekwondo is definitely for adults too and provides incredible benefits to students of all ages!  Of course, adult bodies are not the same as childrens' bodies and may not have the same flexibility or abilities.  As such, we insist that adult students always modify specifically for their own bodies, as well as provide specific adult-only techniques.  If you're an adult considering Taekwondo, come try a class with us.  We hope our caring, student-centric approach to training will make you feel very welcome.

Q: Where is United Tae Kwon Do and where should I park when attending?
A: We're at 669A Burnside Ave, which is at the intersection of School Street, across from the Wickham Memorial Library, near the Police Station, Fire Station, and Dollar Tree.  You may park in our ample, well-lit paring lot which is on the side/back of the building.  Pull in right next to the barber-shop.

Q: What is the price for the classes?
A: $145.00 per student for unlimited classes. Prices in surrounding towns range from $150 - $200/mo, so we try to keep our price the lowest in the area, so we can serve the most people.  In addition, we offer exceptional family discounts!

Q: Is there a signup fee or start-up cost?
A: No, the $145 for your first month is all you need to get started.  We don't charge any type of sign-up fee.  We don't require you to buy an "equipment package" or anything like that.  (Most other schools DO charge an initial fee.)  And, currently, in Connecticut there is no sales tax either, so $145 is all you need.  (We accept cash, check, and all credit/debit cards)

Q: Are there any introductory promotions?
A: Yes, each student receives a free free uniform, which is a $50 value.  See Pricing/Specials for more information/details.  In addition, we are delighted for you and/or your child to take a trial class, if that helps you identify if our school is a good fit for you.  :)

Q: How many classes a week can/should I take?
A: Our curriculum is designed for you to progress along well at a rate of two classes per week.  We don't lock you in to a fixed schedule, so you're welcome to attend whichever classes your schedule allows (for your age group), and to modify each week.  We don't charge more if you attend more than two, nor do we discount if you attend less.  (Most other schools limit the number/days of classes you can attend.)

Q: What is involved in the signup process?
A: It takes about 45 minutes and includes sign-up paperwork, school rules, and uniform. Parents and student children must attend signup together and payment in full for the first month is required at that time.  All sign-ups must be scheduled in advance - just give us a call at 860-289-8008.  If for any reason you can't attend your scheduled sign-up, please give us a quick call to let us know and reschedule.

Q: How does the payment cycle work?
A: It runs monthly from the day you start. For example, if your first class is on the 10th of August, your next payment will be due on the 10th of September.  If you pay by credit card, you will be automatically charged on your payment day.  If not, we'll send you an invoice by Email about 10 days prior, which you can pay in-person or online using a debit card, credit card, or checking account.

Q: Do I have to pay monthly, or can I pay each week?
A: Unfortunately, our tuition is only payable on a monthly basis.  This is because all of our expenses (rent, electricity, natural gas, internet, telephone, etc.) are also billed and paid monthly.  If finances are tight on a given month, just give us a call and we can delay your payment for that month by a week.

Q: Are there any discounts?
A: Yes, we offer a generous Family Discount (Family is defined as related people living at the same residence.)
      1st student: $145/mo
      2nd student and more: $75/mo/person

Q: Do I have to sign a long-term contract or make a one-year commitment?
A: While we do offer minimal discounts for 3-mo or 12-month prepayment, we do not lock you in to long-term contracts.  Most of our students just pay monthly.  If for any reason, you want to take a month or more off, just let us know 7 days before your payment day and we'll gladly suspend your tuition.  We would never want to lock you in to something you weren't getting benefit from.  That would simply be wrong.

Q: How will you teach my child discipline?
A: Discipline is another name for self-control. Through Taekwondo, we learn how to use our minds to control our bodies with every kick and punch we execute.  In fact, everything we do is self-control, in that sense.  As such, Taekwondo essentially is discipline. Over time, this approach teaches Emotional Maturity, allowing us to respond, rather than react, in difficult, stressful, or adversarial situations.

In addition, we train in a no-nonsense environment.  A high degree of respect is demonstrated toward and required from all students, as well as for our Martial Art and Dojang (school).  Being a private school, we have strict School Rules that must be followed by all students.  Click here to review them before attending.

Q: Do you teach (my child) how to fight?
A: NO -- We do not teach fighting -- Absolutely NOT!  We teach our students how to have an outstanding mind and body, which results in self-defense as a natural by-product, not as our primary objective.  See our History page for additional explanation regarding our philosophy on self-defense.

Q: What is meant by the term Martial Art?
A: Our Traditional Taekwondo is both Martial and Art.  Martial involves military, fighting, or self-defense and Art includes beauty, creativity and self-expression.  Our beloved Taekwondo is not actually either of these and may not be regarded as one or the other.  Instead, it is truly a harmony of both.  It's not 50% martial and 50% art, but 100% martial and 100% art!  This may sound like a paradox, and that is why it can take a lifetime of discovery just to begin to master it.  However, the discovery and mastery ends up becoming not nearly as much of Taekwondo, but of one's self!  Especially at black-belt level, students wrangle with this concept, which leads to outstanding self-awareness, self-control, self-determination, family life, and community citizenship.

Q: Is your school all/mostly boys and men, like all the others I’ve seen?
A: No!  While it’s true that 80% of Martial Artists in America are boys/men, were proud that 65% of our students are actually girls/women.  Dating back to when our Grandmaster fought to have women included in the Olympics, we have a very rich tradition of being inclusive and welcoming of everyone who wants to practice Taekwondo. We all benefit from each other’s diversity and special uniquenesses, and we always demonstrate the highest level of respect to each other.

Q: Can we try a class?
A: Yes, anyone age 5+ can try a class or two for free, appropriate for the age group of the student. Please see Pricing/Specials for a list of the Trial Class Rules.  Then give us a call at 860-289-8008 now to schedule your trial class.  Please mention how you heard about us and the age(s) of those attending the trial class.  Please come 15 minutes early to your trial class and, if for any reason you can't attend your scheduled trial class, please give us a quick call to reschedule. 

Q: Can I join my child's trial class, too?
A: YES!  We have many families training together including moms, dads, siblings, and spouses.  Come try a class together with your child.  Taekwondo isn't just for kids and it's fun to trian together as a family!

Q: How long are the classes and what is the class format?
A: Classes for Juniors (age 8-13) and Adults (age 14+) are 1 hour & 15 minutes (1:15) long.  Classes for Children (age 5-7) are 1 hour long.  Wednesday tends to be the most common day Children attend.

All classes start with 15-20 minutes of stretching and conditioning exercises.  Gransmaster Lee always insisted that a good warm-up will present injuries later. 

Then, we move to a section of class called Kicho which means Basic Techniques.  In our school, we focus very heavily on basic techniques to ensure all students have a strong competency of the basics, upon which everything else is built. Sometimes, we spend the entire class focussing on a specific basic technique or combination of basic techniques, in order to really hone our art.

Then, often, we move into the Poomse section, which means forms or patterns.  Back 1000s of years ago, students would always be able to train together, but in our modern-day world it's effective and practical to have something you can "take-home" and practice.  Our Poomse gives you exactly this, designed in an incremental manner to provide application and refinement of the basic techniques. 

At this point, we may have a cardio-specfic portion of class, if we haven't already included a cardio element to the previous sections of class. This may include jump rope, partner/bag drills, or group cardio, and may even include fast-paced music.

Finally, we often finish with some sort of partner-work practice, which might include foot-work, timing drills, self-defense routines, or light/medium/full-contact sparring (appropriate by belt-level).  This is a controlled, yet fast-paced, time to let your body do all its been learning.

All classes begin and end with brief meditation time to help transition to/from the day's regular activities and help cement the Taekwondo learnings.  Finally, the instructor will give 5-10 minutes of instructive inspriational thoughts for the day or week.

Q: Other schools separate students by age group, yet your classes are "family style" where everyone trains together -- How is this beneficial?
A: In our Traditional Style of Taekwondo, all students train together, rather than being separated by age or level.  This approach is just like real life, where you don't only work with or interact with people your own age.  In fact, we're very proud of our age-diverse approach because it demonstrates and fosters respect for each student regardless of their age.  In addition, watching and working with upper belts in diverse age ranges gives new students a much better opportunity to learn effective techniques through their example as well as through minimized "down time", providing a much more vigorous class! 

Younger students who train with older students regularly excel much more in their Taekwondo careers than students who are separated by age group.  Also, older/advanced students derive enormous benefit from learning how to work with younger/beginner students, preparing them for leadership roles in life where they will need to successfully relate with a wide range of people.  Finally, this philosophy provides upper-belts an opportunity to teach others, which is universally regarded as the best way of learning.  Overall, everyone benefits!

Q: What about extra practice time and homework?
A: We highly recommend that all students practice daily on their own, in addition to regular classes.  Included in your enrollment is full access to our extensive  Student Center, which includes curriculum for each student rank, written-out instructions for poomse (forms/patterns) and one-step routines, as well as our own extensive instructional videos that you and your family can use for practicing at home. 

Q: What if I need additional or specific help with something?
A: Master Reiss and/or other United Tae Kwon Do Black Belts are always glad to come early or stay after class to give individual assistance to any student.  We always ensure you are comfortable, confident, and competent in your Taekwondo techniques, forms, and sparring.

Q: Is there a charge for belt promotion tests?
Yes, we have colored-belt promotion tests 4 times a year (typically January, April, July, and October) and they range from $45-$125, based on the student's rank.  Not all students will be ready to test at every scheduled test.  Black Belt tests occur once a year (typically October) and cost more, as they are commissioned through the World Taekwondo Headquarters (The Kukkiwon) in Seoul, Korea.

Q: Can you tell me more about your school's Master Instructor?
A: Our school's Master Instructor, Mr. Reiss, is a Second Generation Taekwondo Master, having trained directly under Grandmaster Moo Yong Lee, one of the the original founders of Taekwondo itself and the second Taekwondo Grandmaster in all of America!  With six children and decades of Taekwondo experience since 1985 as both a student and an instructor, he is certified, highly qualified and well-respected in our school and in the Taekwondo community at-large.  He holds the rank of 5th-Degree Kukkiwon-Certified Master Black Belt Instructor.  See Our Instructors for more information on other instructors.

Q: What days are you closed for school holidays?
A: Please see our Class Schedule page for the current year's scheduled closings.

Q: Will the school be closed due to bad weather?
A: Typcailly, if East Hartford Public Schools are closed, then we close also.  However, there can be exceptions, so just call our main number 860-289-8008 and we will have a special voicemail answer stating "This is an imporant message -- Due to inclement weather all activities are cancelled today" if we are closed.  Feel free to call back and check during the day, as weather can change often here in New England.

Q: Are you a franchise or do you have many locations?
A: We are not a franchise and we have just our one location.  This lets us keep our prices lower and ensure higher quality, standards, and consistency.  We do not have telemarketers nor a flashy website, but we try to always be as helpful, sincere, and honest as possible.  Everything we do is to help our students.  In fact there are many martial arts schools whose Masters/Grandmasters started as while belts at our school, right here in East Hartford!

Q: Can special needs students take classes?
A: Yes, but it all depends on each child. You are welcome to set up a trial class to see how it goes. After the class the instructor will have a meeting with the parent and their child to see if it was a good fit for the child, the family, and the school.

Q: Will there be someone available to translate Spanish?
A: There are many Spanish-speaking people who attend our school, who are always glad to help translate any questions. The class itself typically won’t need any translation as much is in Korean anyway.

Q: $145 is a lot for a month, compared to a gym. Do you have a way to make it cheaper?
A: Taekwondo is an elite martial art, nothing like a gym membership. Unlike a health/athletic club, we provide personal education in a studio environment. You are trained by a Master Instructor, who has at least 25 years of martial arts training, as well as numerous black belts and advanced student instructors and assistant instructors, all with extensive training in martial arts.  The typical monthly rate for martial arts classes is $150-$200/mo in our surrounding towns -- We work hard to keep our prices the lowest anywhere, and at $145/mo you can't beat it!

Q: Do you offer a cheaper way to attend?
A: In addition to the previously-mentioned family discounts, we offer a $5/mo discount if you want to pre-pay for 3 months, or a $10/mo discount if you want to pre-pay for 12 months.  These are non-refundable pre-payments.

Q: Can my child transfer to your school from another Taekwondo or Martial Art school?
A: Generally, most Taekwondo students from other schools can be accepted into our school and can continue their training where they left off at their previous school.  Since our Traditional Taekwodo style may be different than their previous Taekwondo training, there may be a bit of a learning curve in the begining, which we will gladly help with.  Typically transferring students will be asked to skip their first test to ensure they are thoroughly prepared.  If there is any question, our Master Instructor will asses their equivalent Taekwondo rank in our school to ensure their progression is appropriate.   Students from other martial arts (not Taekwondo) would generally start at white-belt rank, since each martial arts' style is unique.

Q: Who is your school's Grandmaster?
Our Master Instructor's life-long teacher was Grandmaster Moo Yong Lee (1938 - 2016), who was the 42nd black belt in all of Taekwondo, out of millions of black belts. He was also a 10th degree Kukkiwon-Certified black belt (see our Photos page for a picture of his certificate), having personally taught over 25,000 students, 1000 black-belts, 100 masters, and 25 grandmasters for over 65 years!  He founded our school right here in East Hartford, at its present location on Burnside Ave, in September 1974.  See Our Instructors and http://www.MooYongLee.com for more details.

Q: What about other Masters and Grandmasters?
In addition recognizing Grandmaster Moo Yong Lee as our school's Grandmaster, we look to several other Grandmasters and Masters as leaders in our extended Taekwondo family, including Grandmaster McLaughlin, Grandmaster Waldron, Grandmaster Nowak, Grandmaster Pelletier, Grandmaster Yousef, Grandmaster Botticello, Grandmaster Mast, Grandmaster Wertz, Grandmaster Edlund, Master Wright, Master Pon, Master Sheridan, Master Fusco, Master Lord, Sahbumnim Dr. Cohen, Sahbumnim Ramos, Sahbumnim Balboni, Sahbumnim Sukhai, Sahbumnim Huff, Mr. Viveiros, Mrs. Viveiros, and 100s of others.  Our school history, heritage, and lineage is one of the richest in the world!

Q: What if I've read all these FAQ and still have more questions?
A: Simple!  Just give us a call at 860-289-8008 now.  Because you are important to us, we personally answer our calls nearly 24/7 - so feel free to call anytime!  If we can't answer, please do leave a message and we will call you back as quickly as possible!  We care very much about your success!